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Updated: Oct 24, 2023

What is a varicocele?

A varicocele is a dilatation of veins/ varicose veins above the testicle and around the testicle. This condition is entirely benign.

What are the typical symptoms and how are varicoceles diagnosed?

Do varicoceles need to be treated?

What are the treatments for varicoceles?

What is varicocele embolisation?

What can I expect after varicocele embolisation?

How successful is varicocele embolisation?

What are the main risks entailed with varicocele embolisation?

What is varicocele microsurgical ligation?

What can I expect after varicocele microsurgical ligation?

How successful is varicocele microsurgical ligation?

What are the main risks entailed with varicocele microsurgical ligation?

Which procedure should I choose? Which one is better?

Can Ms Anastasiadis advice me on varicoceles?

Varicoceles, Ms Anastasiadis
Varicoceles, Ms Anastasiadis

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